…appreciate every moment
October 29- November 12
10/31 Halloween Parade 10:15, Half Day PD
11/1 PTA Meeting 6:00
11/4 Daylight Savings Time Ends
11/7 P/T Conferences 5-7:30
11/8 Half Day- P/T Conferences 12:45-7:30
Dear APPS Staff and School Community,
It’s hard to believe that Christmas is around the corner and that we will once again be hosting a district-wide Holiday Toy Box Drive for local families in need. Last year due, to your generosity we were able to sponsor 16 families! Let’s work together to make this happen again this year.
As in the past we are looking for donations of new or gently used clothing and toys. As you know, from my last email, due to a pipe breaking in our storage area we lost a lot of new items. If you are out shopping and can pick up a donation, keep in mind, that we can use a variety of arts and crafts, board games for 8 year olds and up, and books.
Boxes will be placed in your school buildings at the beginning of November, for your convenience or you can drop items off in the main office at the high school.
If you know of any families in need of help this holiday season, please let me know. I will contact them, and as in the past, I will get information out to everyone.
Thank you for supporting the Holiday Toy Box Drive,
Karen Malett
Holiday Fever includes
Craft & Vendor Show and Mom2Mom Sale
PLEASE NOTE that this is a time of year when we do see cases of lice in the classroom. We do see an increase in head lice in the school setting at this time (after school start, Halloween time, and in the weeks following holiday and school breaks). There has been a change in the head lice district guideline. We will no longer be sending classroom letters home when there is a case of head lice identified in your child’s classroom. It is important that student confidentiality is maintained. It is recommended that you check your child’s head weekly. If you do find any lice or eggs in your child’s hair, please contact the school office and the school nurse.
Head lice is often found among the school age population. It is transmitted via head to head contact. The best way to prevent getting head lice is to not share any items that touch the head especially combs, brushes and hats. Checking your child’s head a couple times a week during the school year and more often with class return to school after school breaks is important. We typically see an increase in head lice at the beginning of the school year and after vacation and school breaks. Transmission of head lice is rarely from the school environment. Head lice is most often transmitted during sleep-overs, play dates, family gatherings, after school activities such as girl scout or boy scout outings, play practices, gymnastics, and sporting events to name a few.
The LICEMEISTER comb is a very good comb to use for both prevention and treatment of head lice. The comb can be used to comb through your child’s head at least weekly as a preventive and early diagnostic measure. Any live lice will be caught in the close metal tines of the comb. Eggs will also be found on the comb. This comb is a valuable tool when treating lice. The eggs must be removed after shampooing head to kill the live lice. The eggs must be manually removed to ensure appropriate and thorough treatment. This comb will help with this. The LICEMEISTER comb (or any fine-toothed metal comb) can be found at grocery and drug stores or can be ordered at: http://www.headlice.org/licemeister/.
The HEAD LICE TOOLBOX contains a number of important educational documents that will assist you in identifying head lice, treatment of head lice, and prevention of head lice. The district guideline can also be found at this site. See http://www.pccsk12.com/departments/health-safety/head-lice-toolbox
Please contact your child’s school office if your child has head lice. The school nurse is available to help guide you through the treatment of head lice and help you in preventing any further head lice transmissions.
In order to protect the safety of all of our students, any family member who plans to regularly volunteer in the classroom, or chaperone a field trip must complete the background check information below. This paperwork is also available in our Lindemann office. Unless you are planning to begin as a regular volunteer, or chaperone a field trip within the next month, please refrain from completing this paperwork in advance. It is most effective if the requests are processed within a few weeks of the intended volunteer experience. Thank you in advance for your cooperation! Volunteer-Background-Check-Authorization-Form-2-2f9d6ta-1unseow-27li2bf ICHAT-Volunteer-Letter-2-1wr1z3p-zjrwpf-1esyvyz
Mimi’s Mission Food Drive Flier (1)-16qt8g0
Classroom teachers may request volunteers for Halloween celebrations. Please check with your child’s teacher if you have a question about this.
Parade will begin at 10:15
A Healthy Halloween at School
“Halloween is a lot of fun and doesn’t need to have candy as the focus. Our school plans to offer healthy, great tasting snack options at celebrations this year. If you are sending in food or drinks for a party, consider sending 100% fruit juice or water instead of sugary beverages like Juice drinks. Fruit is always a favorite since it is naturally sweet and can be eaten (usually) by hand. For Halloween, choose orange fruits or veggies, like orange slices or baby carrots with a low fat yogurt dip! We aren’t striving for perfection, but it is important for us all to pay closer attention to the nutritional quality of foods and beverages which are served in classrooms and have healthy choices. Your help and support by providing healthier options for Halloween to rather holiday celebrations) in your child’s classroom is key to creating a healthy school environment.
A Healthy Halloween at Home
Halloween is coming up! This is an exciting holiday for children because they get to dress up and perhaps collect candy. If you celebrate Halloween, you know this holiday focuses on collecting and eating foods high in sugar, fat and calories BUT low in nutrients. Some suggestions:
If you give out candy, don’t buy it too far ahead of time since your family might 1
end up snacking on it or even eating it all! If your children go trick-or-treating, store any left over candy for another day in 1
an airtight container or freeze it. — Avoid setting out forge amounts of candy as this might result in your child (or –you!) eating more than you want.
10/31 Halloween Parade @10:15/ Dismiss 11:30
11/8 Dismiss 11:30 / P/T Conferences
Friendly Building Rivalry...Michigan won in our halls and on the field!!! GO BLUE
Allen Park School Social Workers :
Please visit their BLOG
September Teacher of the Month
Kerry Carlini
PTA Ice Cream Social/ Evening Book Fair
There is still time to complete an application for Free & Reduced Lunch. While the opportunity for reduced costs for meals is one benefit to families, our entire school benefits from at-risk state funding which is based partly on this information. If you feel as though your family may qualify, or if you would at least like to explore the possibility, follow the links below. If your student qualifies for free or reduced lunch, this benefit extends to breakfast, as well. This is a great opportunity for many of our Bennie families!
Online application for Free and Reduced Lunch is available!
Visit the Food Services page on the district’s website – allenparkschools.com to learn more about Free and Reduced Lunch benefits. The page includes frequently asked questions about the program’s benefits and how to qualify. Applications for the program are now available online, in PDF (attached) and available in all school offices.
A form is also available to allow sharing of information with other district programs (athletics) for reduced fees – see attached.
Application for Free and Reduced Lunch.pdf
Free and Reduced Info Sharing Form 18-19 SY.pdf
Please mark your calendar for Nov. 7/8 as parent/teacher conferences are just around the corner. Stay tuned for a sign up link from your child’s classroom to get a time slot.
Lindemann Family Needs our Support
After 3 year long years, on Thursday October 18th, Scott lost his battle with cancer. Scott leaves behind his loving wife and 4 beautiful children (Madisyn (10), Twins- Connor & Logan(8) and Jaxson(4).
Scott was the sole provider for the family so we are setting up this go fund me to help his family through this difficult time.
Direct donations are preferred to Yolanda McNeice.
I will be the person collecting the donations on behalf of the family, Sharon King-
Email- Shaking410@gmail.com
October 15-28
October 15-18 BOOK FAIR
Healthy Kids Club 3:40 (3rd,4th)
Family Book Fair Night/ Ice Cream Social 6:30
First Grade Field Trips
3:40 Healthy Kids Club
3:40 Healthy Kids Club
Hearing Rescreening
3:40 Healthy Kids Club
There is still time to complete an application for Free & Reduced Lunch. While the opportunity for reduced costs for meals is one benefit to families, our entire school benefits from at-risk state funding which is based partly on this information. If you feel as though your family may qualify, or if you would at least like to explore the possibility, follow the links below. If your student qualifies for free or reduced lunch, this benefit extends to breakfast, as well. This is a great opportunity for many of our Bennie families!
Online application for Free and Reduced Lunch is available!
Visit the Food Services page on the district’s website – allenparkschools.com to learn more about Free and Reduced Lunch benefits. The page includes frequently asked questions about the program’s benefits and how to qualify. Applications for the program are now available online, in PDF (attached) and available in all school offices.
A form is also available to allow sharing of information with other district programs (athletics) for reduced fees – see attached.
Application for Free and Reduced Lunch.pdf
Free and Reduced Info Sharing Form 18-19 SY.pdf
PTA Membership Drive 2018-2019-1bgxjx0
Please do not send in birthday invitations for parties unless the entire class is invited.
In order to protect the safety of all of our students, any family member who plans to regularly volunteer in the classroom, or chaperone a field trip must complete the background check information below. This paperwork is also available in our Lindemann office. Unless you are planning to begin as a regular volunteer, or chaperone a field trip within the next month, please refrain from completing this paperwork in advance. It is most effective if the requests are processed within a few weeks of the intended volunteer experience. Thank you in advance for your cooperation! Volunteer-Background-Check-Authorization-Form-2-2f9d6ta-1unseow-27li2bf ICHAT-Volunteer-Letter-2-1wr1z3p-zjrwpf-1esyvyz
Please see the attached flier for information on a food drive that be will be happening at all Allen Park elementary schools from Oct. 22-Nov. 9th. Boxes will be brought in, and collected by the coordinator.
Mimi’s Mission Food Drive Flier (1)-16qt8g0
Classroom teachers may request volunteers for Halloween celebrations. Please check with your child’s teacher if you have a question about this.
Parade will begin at 10:15
This past spring, Arno Elementary students in grades 3-8 took the M-STEP (Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress). Final results from the M-STEP are now available and thanks to technology improvements and online testing, our district has much earlier access to data that is also a more precise measure of learning.
The purpose of these state summative assessments is to see how close our students are to reaching Michigan’s new higher standards in English language arts and mathematics.
This year’s test scores will build on the new baseline set in 2015 when the M-STEP was brand new. This year’s results show an improvement in most areas, we expect that as students gain more and more experiences with online assessment and as our instruction adapts to Michigan’s higher standards, our scores will rise over time. We encourage families to remember that state standardized test scores are just one measure of student progress and to keep them in perspective.
Our staff will spend time reviewing the 2018 M-STEP results to find where we are having success, and where we see areas in which to improve. The test results also will reveal which groups of students are doing well, and which will need more or different kinds of support.
Families are encouraged to review the M-STEP Parent Report and learn where your child might need additional support. Be sure to discuss your concerns with your child’s teacher and learn how together you can target academic support where it’s needed most.
The Michigan Department of Education has developed a useful document called Student Testing: What Parents Can Do to Help Students Prepare that is now available for download on the M-STEP web page (www.michigan.gov/mstep).
Please look for your child’s Parent report coming soon around Sept. 28.
PTA sponsored Ice Cream Social, October 17 @ 6:30
October 31- 11:30 Dismissal; 10:15 Parade
Trunk of Treat at APHS-October 28 2018-2hh9ej7
Fall Book Fair October 15-19, Family Night October 17
Enjoying the Family Meal
Family meals are important because they help create lifelong memories and allow you to
stay connected to your child(ren). Family meals are a great time to teach your child about
eating habits and show them what a healthy meal looks like. It is important to never force
or pressure children to eat a particular food. It can result in a lifelong hatred for that food,
and turns the kitchen table into a battleground. It usually takes several exposures to a
new food before a child is willing to try it. Invite, encourage and be a good role model.
Here are some ways to make family meals a part of your family routine:
Set a regular family meal time (try not to schedule any extra activities during that
Eat at the table.
Show that family meals are important–turn off the TV and other electronics
during mealtime.
Stocking Your Pantry on a Budget
Healthy eating begins at the grocery store. We are all looking for ways to save money
but still buy healthy food. Below are some tips to save money and stock your pantry with
nutritious foods:
Buy fruits and vegetables that are local or in season; they tend to be less
If fresh is still too expensive, buy frozen or canned fruits and vegetables.
Eggs are a great source of protein and can be fixed in a variety of ways.
The large cartons of plain yogurt are usually less expensive than the small ones.
You can add fruit or even jelly to add some sweetness.
Buy items when they’re on sale. Don’t buy things on sale that you’re not likely to
Plan weekly meals and healthy snacks. Invite your child(ren) to provide input.
Dan Assenmacher; For assisting to get our kiddos out of cars and safely inside during drop off.
Michele Mifsud: For getting our NO Parking/ Student Drop Off Signs to ensure student safety
Need Homework Help?
The Allen Park High School National Honor Society is offering homework help/tutoring to APPS students!
Location: Allen Park Public Library
When: Every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday that school is in session
Time: 3:00-5:00 p.m.