January 22-February 2 (Part 1)
January 22-February 2
1/22 Lindemann Basketball Club 3:30
1/23 Lindemann Skate Party
1/23 Rotary Book Distribution 9:00 First Grade
1/24 Lindemann Basketball Club 3:30pm
1/24 Mr. Sean Lafferty Meet and Greet 6:30pm
1/29 Lindemann Basketball Club 3:30
1/29 Board Meeting 7:00
1/30 Lindemann Chess Club 3:30
1/31 Lindemann Basketball Club 3:30
2/1 PTA Meeting 6:00 pm
2/2 Groundhog Day
Board of Education conducted its annual reorganization, selecting the following as Board Officers for 2018:
- Mr. Gordon Miller – President
- Mr. Guy DesJardins – Vice President of Operations
- Mr. Paul Klenczar – Vice President of Human Resources
- Mr. Rick Moynihan – Vice President of Extracurricular Issues
- Mrs. Julie Sheppard – Vice President of Teaching & Learning
- Mrs. Margaret Marten – Treasurer
- Dr. Janine Hall – Secretary
Allen Park Elementary Schools were awarded a grant through Playworks, that has allowed each elementary to train our recess/lunch support, PE teachers, and a few classroom teachers to provide recess experiences that will provide safety, empowerment, and engagement to all of our students on a daily basis. We are proud to bring this incredible program to our children.
Playworks brings out the best in kids, through play
Playtime is kids’ time. But schools can and should create play environments that help kids be their best. Studies show that recess matters: a thoughtful approach to recess improves children’s physical health and social and emotional learning.
Playworks helps schools and districts make the most of recess through on-site staffing, consultative support, professional development, free resources, and more.
We also support youth programs and other organizations that wish to improve playtime. Organizations like SHAPE America, The Centers for Disease Control, and City Year all look to Playworks to inform practice and policy.
Helping Schools Rethink Recess
For over 20 years, Playworks has helped schools figure out what works well on their playgrounds.
For recess to reinforce school culture, we’ve learned that a holistic approach is needed. Here are a few of the focus areas Playworks helps schools address:
Many schools ban games like tag. Some ban recess altogether. If the nurse’s and principal’s offices are filled to capacity after lunch each day, it is time to rethink recess.
Instead of banning games or playtime, we help schools find ways to keep kids playing. For example, recess monitors can teach students to tag using light “butterfly fingers” to keep scrapes and bruises manageable.
Kids can learn to use rock, paper, scissors to solve problems quickly and keep playing. They can give high fives and say “good job, nice try” when peers rotate to the back of the line in Foursquare. Recess is a perfect opportunity to develop school-wide norms for conflict resolution and community.
We all have times when what feels good is to “sit this one out”. But some kids sit on the sidelines all the time: they don’t know how to play or aren’t invited to join in. Recess should be a time when everyone feels welcome.
Adults can set the tone by inviting children to play, reminding students of the rules using different learning styles, and modeling inclusion. Introducing fun variations on traditional playground games—like Crossover Dodgeball, where the goal is to get everyone to the other side and no one is “out”—is another way to make recess inclusive for everyone.
Inclusive playgrounds are also healthy playgrounds. One randomized control trial found that kids on Playworks’ playgrounds got more moderate and vigorous physical activity than peers at other schools. When all kids feel can join in, more kids stay physically active during free time—without even thinking about it.
At a great recess, all students have real choices in how they play. They feel included in games or in imaginative play. They also feel empowered to play on their own or to start activities with other students. Older students can make a big difference.
The natural leaders on the playground are kids, not adults. Kids want to be acknowledged for their leadership abilities, and they want to grow. A little encouragement is all kids need to lead games, pass out equipment, and set a positive, playful tone.
The Playworks Junior Coach Leadership Program puts the recess culture into the hands of capable upper-elementary students.
This year we will again meet as a chess club after school on Tuesdays. The club is for students THAT KNOW HOW TO PLAY CHESS, at least in its basic form. We will work on improving skills and strategies. This year we will have two sessions.
SESSION 1: The first three weeks are designed for “new club members”. We will review basic strategies and play some fun games to enhance skills and improve piece knowledge and use. These will be held on January 30, February 6 and 13.
SESSION 2: Will be for all players of chess that want to play games in various formats, including teams/rotations/challenges and competitively. These will be held on February 27, March 6, 13, 20 and 27.
To be included in the Chess Club this year you will need to return the permission slip to Mr. Wahl or Mr. McDermott by January 26. You will need to indicate which session(s) you plan on attending. You will need to have a parent signature indicating they understand that you need to to be picked up from the school’s front door at 4:20pm.
See Mr. Wahl or Mr. McDermott for a permission slip.
Lindemann Skate Party
Lincoln Park Skate Center
Tuesday, January 23
6:00-8:00 pm
Lindemann PTA Mother/Son Favorite Character and Sweetheart Dance
Friday, February, 9 2018
Allen Park Middle School 6-9pm
$17.00 per couple, $8.50 per each additional boy
Desserts with Dad
Thursday, February 15, 2018
6:30- 7:30
Lindemann Cafeteria
Please see flyer below:
Desserts with dad flyer2mzfhfa
New Parent Dashboard for the State of Michigan
Welcome to the Parent Dashboard for School Transparency
JANUARY 10, 2018
The Parent Dashboard is filled with important school-level information that parents and others say they want to know about Michigan public schools, including charter schools.
We need your feedback on this new tool. After you’ve explored the Parent Dashboard, please take a moment to complete a brief survey about your experience. You will be returned to the Parent Dashboard when you are done with the survey.
Whether you are looking for student-to-staff ratios, attendance information, school assessment scores, or access to college-credit or career-tech programs, the Parent Dashboard provides easy access to valuable measures helpful in providing students a quality education.
This dashboard is Michigan’s newest tool in its commitment to provide transparency about school and district performance. The contents of this dashboard can inform decisions and encourage conversations about how we help all students succeed.
The dashboard is designed to be a “living tool” that will be updated as user feedback and new school data become available.